

To where do you ship?

We are shipping to Worldwide

How can I cancel My Order?

Our customer satisfaction is very important to us, so if, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with your Gavia purchase within 15 days of receiving it, we’ll be happy for you to return the item for either a replacement item, a refund or repair of the item. We may ask for faulty/incorrect items to be returned to us for a quality inspection, to ensure those rare problems don’t occur again.

Please note that you will not be eligible for a refund or replacement of your purchase in the following cases:

  • where errors occur from a typing error you may have made on the internet
  • for defects that are the result of ordinary wear and tear or abnormal use;
  • or if you have changed your mind.

15-days return

For any reason, you are dissatisfied with your Gavia purchase.

When Will My Order ARRIVE ?

Your Gavia order will make its way to you via Aramex courier service that provides following fixed prices:

Free Delivery from 100 USD

Please note that transit times are estimates, not guarantees. Timing and cost of shipping is also subject to change.